
Royal Wedding Invitations

  Poor William and Kate, they have so much to contend with. They have the world’s press watching their every move and every arrangement of their wedding being picked over. Whenever some issue is raised some spokesman is wheeled out to give a response. I’m sorry some of these spokesman really don’t seem to know how ridiculous they appear.

Royal Wedding Invitations

Royal Wedding Invitations

Royal Wedding Invitations

Royal Wedding Invitations

No one can really understand why no royal wedding invitations were issue to the two most recent Prime Ministers. So first off we have a spokesman saying “It’s not a state occasion”. Yes we know that, but stop trying to pretend that it’s a normal family wedding – it isn’t. A different spokesman explained that the former PMs weren’t invited because ”they are not Knights of the Garter.” That doesn’t really explain why you wouldn’t invite them and at previous royal weddings they have been invited regardless. But then this evening another spokesman was wheeled out to give the most ridiculous statement yet. “William and Catherine don’t know Tony Blair or Gordon Brown” the woman intoned.
Perhaps Wills and Kate don’t know either Tony Blair or Gordon Brown, but don’t tell me they are intimate with the ambassadors of Zimbabwe or Syria, so why would they take precedence over former Prime Ministers. Really whoever is pulling the royal or political strings have got themselves in a real and unnecessary muddle. I have no idea whether it was a deliberate snub or an accidental one, but it certainly appears to be a snub. A bit of me wickedly thinks that the Blairs weren’t sent one of the sought after royal wedding invitations because of Cherie’s refusal to curtsey to the Queen.
I wonder if the Blairs or the Browns actually mind, not that we will ever know. I also wonder how many well known are not so well known people are miffed because an invite wasn’t pushed through their letterbox. People might pretend that they’re not interested in class or royalty, but to miss out on one of the social events of the year is probably a bit galling. Anyone who is upset that they missed out, know that it’s likely to be some time before any more royal wedding invitations are sent out. I can’t see Harry hurrying up the aisle for a couple of years yet.

It’s fascinating that so many royal wedding invitations were sent out to ordinary people. You can imagine many of those people will be invited to lots of dinners among their own friends for many years to come. It will take the “I was there” to quite a different level .

